Custom-X Wiki
== PERK Paradise ==

In order to enter the Perk Paradise you will need to have Paradise Tokens Tokens in your inventory. They will deplete as you spend time on the island. In order to obtain tokens, you must purchase them for cash from the Perk Professional

Perk professional

Purchasing more becomes cheaper, here are the bundles:
100x Tokens: 300Q
500x Tokens: 1250Q
1000x Tokens 2125Q

Perk Paradise Entry
You will need 100 paradise tokens Tokens in order to enter the zone! When in the zone, you cannot use your Bank or PoS! You also can not teleport out of the paradise. You must use the central teleport to leave the area and if you log out in the area you will be teleported back to the starting platform outside of the paradise.
While in the paradise you will obtain tools that can only be used within the zone You cannot use them outside of perk paradise
Your first step in the Perk Paradise is to create an Inscribed Perk Tablet, so that you can get these tablets transcribed into usable perks!
To do create the inscribed perk tablet, you will be doing the following tasks:

1 - Obtain a Blank SlateBlanktabletdrop from the Monks on the island -


2 - Pickup a Paradise PickAxe and mine 2500 Paradise StonesStonedrop -


3 - Pickup a Paradise Rod and fish up 500 ink bottlesInkbottledrop -


4 - Pickup a Paradise Hatchet and chop 500 Scribe SticksScribesticksdrop -


Once you have all of these raw material, run north east corner: Here you will use all the materials above to create the Inscribed Perk Tablet!!


Once you have completed the making of the inscribed perk tablets, head to the portal in the middle! Right click the perk professional, and choose transcribe perk!

Perk professional

The list below is all the current Perks obtainable: (last updated: 3/10/22)
2x Drakon raid loot from chests
2x Corrupt raid loot from chests
2x Oblivion raid loot from chests
2x Experience
2x Treasure Island Loot
2x Vote Points
Clue Farm
Bone crusher
Hero fountain
